Honoring Our Heroes on Veterans Day

Veterans Day, a significant date on our calendar, offers a poignant opportunity to reflect on the bravery and sacrifices of the men and women who have served in the United States Armed Forces. Educating our community about the value of this day and the many ways we can honor our veterans is essential.

Understanding Veterans Day

Veterans Day, observed annually on November 11th, marks a time to pay tribute to all American veterans, both living and deceased, but especially to thank living veterans who served their country honorably during war or peacetime. This day is distinct from Memorial Day, which honors those who died in military service.

Honoring our Veterans on Veterans Day

  • Host a Veteran Speaker: Invite local veterans to speak at your school or community center. These firsthand accounts provide invaluable insights into the lives of those who served and foster a more profound understanding among students and community members.
  • Visit a Veterans Home or Hospital: Organizing a visit to a local veterans home or hospital is a meaningful way to show appreciation. Engaging in conversations, volunteering, or providing simple companionship can have a profound impact.
  • Participate in Local Parades or Events: Many communities host Veterans Day parades or ceremonies. Attending these events is a great way to show support and learn more about the day's significance.
  • Letters of Thanks: Encourage students to write letters or create cards thanking veterans for their service. Distribute the letters and cards through local veterans organizations.
  • Moment of Silence: Observe a moment of silence at 11:00 AM on November 11th. This simple act of remembrance honors those who have sacrificed for our freedom.


Veterans Day Teacher Resource Guide

Free Veterans Day Lessons and Activities:
